Saturday, February 7, 2015

Maps to the Stars is pretty weird

5 second plot: This is a story about life in Hollywood. We've got an actress who wants to play the part her mother played years ago. And there is a family who's major source of income is their young son's acting career. As the stories intertwine we find out that everyone is fucking nuts without any breaks or any awareness of common decency.

5 second review: There's a lot of crazy celebrity stuff and a lot of talking. The talking gets boring fast.  It's a bit much of the same. The performances are really good. And you can feel there's an experienced filmmaker at work: it's a fun movie to look at. But as I said: boring. We must also issue a nasty penis alert at the 26 minute marker. I just can't get used to that.

IMDb score: 6,4/10
Our score: 5,5/10